Welcome to our blog, where we hope you'll find plenty of food for thought!

  • Organic brands advocating for sustainable and fair trade

    An overview of some wonderful organic brands certified to Fairtrade standards.
    Image courtesy of Clipper Teas.

  • Clever clover and organic farming

    St. Patrick's day is a great day to celebrate a wonderful plant like clover, a herb with three toothed leaflets, for its amazing qualities used in environmentally friendly gardening and farming.

  • Greenwashing in Textiles

    In her new article, journalist and founder of Live Frankly, Lizzie Rivera looks into the issue of greenwashing in organic and synthetic textiles.

  • Women in Organic

    Happy International Women's Day!
    Today we would like to celebrate all women and to acknowledge the contribution of those in the UK organic sector. We would like to thank them for their hard work in promoting organic across various industries.

  • Organic Spotlight: Rookery Farm

    We are pleased to introduce Rookery Farm as one of our latest members - a producer of delicious organic eggs based in Flansham, West Sussex.

  • How to ‘grow your own’ 2022 Festive Feast from scratch

    With the festive period now fading from memory and everyone looking forwards to the new year, our friends, organic gardening experts at Garden Organic, have created this growing schedule so you can make your next Christmas dinner a sustainable DIY one!

  • PAN UK's Pesticide Supermarket Rankings Unveiled

    Pesticide Action Network UK (PAN UK) has surveyed and ranked the ten supermarkets with the largest share of grocery sales against eight criteria related to pesticides, including what support they provide to their suppliers to use non-chemical alternatives. Here are their results...

  • 12 Top Tips for a Sustainable Christmas

    ‘Tis Christmas time. A time of joy, merriment and…well...excess. The question is, how do we have all of the fun with less of an impact on the planet? We asked some of our favourite organic brands for their top tips...

  • Does your t-shirt have stains? Why we need to support organic cotton

    When guest writer Vicki Hird explored the impact of cotton production on invertebrates for her book ‘Rebugging the Planet’, she was alarmed to see how toxic this everyday textile can be. Yet she also found that better cotton is possible, and we could all be supporting a significant and critical shift in this industry. Here Vicki explores further...

  • Organic Spotlight: The Real Olive Company

    We are delighted to introduce our newest member, The Real Olive Company, a family-owned business that is passionate about real food and is on a mission to bring delicious, organic Mediterranean produce to the UK.

  • Pravera: The company on a mission to offer the best certified organic skincare and beauty products

    Meet the company whose mission is to offer the best clean, pure & certified natural and organic skincare and beauty products.

  • Improving the Carbon Footprint at Helen Browning’s

    At Helen’s Eastbrook Farm, they are undertaking a study to measure and improve their carbon footprint. Angus, an agricultural student at the University of Reading, has joined the farm for his placement year as a researcher: collecting field data as well as an extra pair of hands on the farm. He is looking at areas of the farm that are good at carbon sequestration and areas that can be improved.

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